Executive Officers

CEO – Matthew Quinn

Teaching is Matt’s second career. Upon leaving school he worked, substantially in London, for around six years, as a Quantity Surveyor. A desire to re-train led him to Nottingham where he qualified as a teacher. Matt is Head Teacher at Oaklands Catholic School & Sixth Form College. This is his fourth school; two previous appointments have been in large Catholic comprehensive schools in Hertfordshire and the third a joint Catholic and Church of England school in Torquay. He has worked across three Diocese. He has completed over 20 years in senior leadership. In addition to substantive posts he has worked across a  number of other schools in challenging circumstances leading on school improvement. He holds an MA in Catholic school leadership and an NPQH.

In addition to Headship, Matt Has been engaged in Trust leadership  as the Chief Executive & Accounting Officer for the Catholic Academy Trust in Havant since 2011, this became the Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust in 2017. This Multi-Academy Trust currently comprises two schools. (Oaklands Catholic School & Sixth Form College and Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School) within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. Matt was also one of the two founders of the Oscar Romeo Award Trust, he continues to be one of the Trustees. The Trust now has a base of over 250 schools.

CFO – Tim Finch

Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary Tim joined Oaklands as the Director of Business and Finance in January 2015 responsible for the delivery of support services including facilities management, finance, IT support, HR and payroll, catering and administration. He served as the Company Secretary to the then Catholic Academy Trust in Havant since the formation in 2011. In 2021 and in addition to his Oaklands role Tim became the Chief Financial Officer for the newly named Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust when Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School joined the Trust.

As well as serving as the Company Secretary Tim also advises the Business and Collaboration and Resources Committee of Oaklands and Corpus Christi respectively. I serve on Local Governing Body and Ethos and Strategy Sub Committee for Oaklands. At Trust level I advise the Finance and the Audit and Risk Committees and the Board of Trustees.

Co-Opted – Ursula Clark

Head Teacher Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School Ursula joined Corpus Christi at the beginning of the academic year 2020-21. She oversaw the school’s successful academisation and seamless integration into the Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust in 2021. An experienced primary head teacher, she has been a driving force for improvement across all aspects of the school.

Clerk to the Board of Trustees – Claire Colley

Claire has worked at Oaklands Catholic School & Sixth Form College for over 13 years. In addition to her school role, she has been a long standing Clerk to the Board of Governors at Oaklands and more recently accepted the position as Clerk to the Board of Trustees for the Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust.